Thursday, August 20, 2020

Half a Sixpence

                                                                             Half a sixpence        


Half a Sixpence is the name given to a book and play about a young man, who, with his friends, was a bit fed up with working hard for little reward. His attention was taken by a rich young lady living the life to which he aspired. Suddenly he received a bequest, out of the blue he’d become rich, he proposed to the said young lady and tried, quite unsuccessfully to adapt to her life style. So having been given what he thought he wanted, he still wasn’t content! He, happily, managed to escape his new life style and return to his original status in life marrying the love of his childhood. What a very happy ending!

How often do we think the grass greener on the other side of the road, only to discover that, in truth, it really isn’t? It’s good to dream but do these dreams come from a place of dissatisfaction  or from a sense of adventure? Do they come from greed or from a sense of longing to be fulfilled? Do we grumble about our position in life or do we turn our grumblings into a healthy seeking after goodness?

Joseph, in the Old Testament, was a shepherd boy but he had a dream about all his older brothers bowing down in front of him. Out of the blue, he found himself a roller coaster ride of life. One moment things were dreadful, the next moment they were amazingly good. Whatever he did, he tried to do it well, asking God for help. Eventually, with God’s inspiration, he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and became Pharaoh’s second in command and his brothers came begging for help at a time of famine You can read the story in the Bible Genesis 36:18-36 & Genesis 42-45.

What are our dreams? Do they come with a good attitude and how are we going to position ourselves for their fulfillment? Are they for now or do we need to learn some lessons before they can be fulfilled? In which case, let’s get learning!


Whatever it is, let’s put our trust in God for His timing and live life to the full!

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